How My Cross-border Wealth Management Journey Began

Helping You Manage and Grow Your Financial Assets Across Canada and the U.S.

I run my own Canada-U.S. wealth management business at Raymond James Ltd. and Raymond James (USA) Ltd. A dual licensed financial advisor, I specialize in Canada-U.S. cross-border investment management and financial planning for executives and professionals. In 2014, I earned my U.S. securities licence, which complements my existing Canadian one

Over the course of my career in the financial services industry, I’ve closely worked with many executive and professional clients moving across the Canada-U.S. border for career opportunities. With the complexities a career move across the border presents, I knew I could help this group of professionals.

Drawing on my expertise in the industry, I immersed myself in Raymond James cross-border investment management services. As a result, I became one of the very first Raymond James advisors to specialize in the Canada-U.S. cross-border wealth management field across Toronto. As well, I’ve been invited to speak at U.S. tax symposiums and professional development webinars designed for tax professionals who wish to learn more about cross-border investment management strategies.

The bulk of my practice is devoted to Canada-U.S. wealth management issues. Our clients are mostly executives and professionals whose wealth and careers span borders. We work closely with them as they move their financial assets both north and south of the 49th parallel.

Recently, I’ve been helping families with elderly dual citizen parents who may have lived for a time in the U.S. and then, in their later years, decided to move back to Canada to be closer to their loved ones. We’ve also been serving elderly clients who move from Canada to the U.S. to be closer to family. These clients often hold U.S. and Canadian retirement accounts, U.S. and Canadian trusts, U.S. investment accounts and other complications. 

Our multi-currency platform in the U.S. provides us with the unique ability and advanced tools to manage Canadian currency and securities. This is helpful when clients move to the U.S., so they avoid having to sell all their Canadian securities and take a currency hit. 

We also manage IRA accounts and inherited IRA accounts for Canadian residents as well as provide dual reporting for tax purposes on Canadian and U.S. cost basis.

At the heart of my practice lies my genuine desire to enable my clients to reach their financial and investment goals, regardless of where they live. To effectively achieve that, we work closely with our clients’ tax and legal advisors to ensure their accounts and investments are well managed across borders. 

Sometimes people ask me if I have seen cross-border moves and investment needs increase in recent years. The answer is, absolutely. Now, many people are moving back and forth across the border to take advantage of career opportunities and growth. 

Wondering how a cross-border move can affect your financial assets?

Check out this series of blogs, in which I share case studies we’ve worked on and explain how we helped solve cross-border investment management problems.

If you’re considering a career move across the Canada-U.S. border, reach out to us, so we can help you develop a solid financial plan and strategy that enable you to meet your lifestyle and financial goals.